T-Rex skeleton sells for more than $6 million at Swiss auction
This king of dinosaurs is only the third such a creature ever offered at auction, and the first time in Europe.
Fri Apr 21 2023

Rangka T. rex dilelong lebih RM27 juta
Ini kali pertama rangka Tyrannosaurus rex telah dilelong di Eropah.
Tue Apr 18 2023

T-rex in Singapore as experts decry 'harmful' auctions
The 1,400-kilo frame, composed of about 80 bones, will be the first T-rex skeleton auctioned in Asia, according to Christie's.
Mon Oct 31 2022

Nur Syahirah's gigantic task of stitching 'wounded' dinosaurs
Nur Syahirah said it was a part of the repair and maintenance process of the various animatronic figures that are put on display.
Sun Jul 24 2022

Fosil dinosaur tidak bergigi dijumpai di Australia
Elaphrosaur, yang membawa maksud "biawak yang tangkas", dipercayai spesies yang ada kaitan dengan Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) dan Velociraptor.
Tue May 19 2020

Kesan tapak kaki dinosaur yang berusia lebih 170 juta tahun ditemui di Scotland
Namun mereka lebih cenderung untuk mengatakan bahawa ia mungkin dari spesis kalangan Tyrannosaurus Rex berdasarkan kesan tapak kaki tersebut.
Tue Apr 03 2018